At Fluid Minds, We’re Passionate About Creating Engaging Web Designs And Digital Strategies That Get Results.

When Your Business Succeeds, So Does Ours.

Kim Miller - Founder and Creative Director of Fluid Minds a Peosta, IA Website Design Studio

Founder & Creative Director

Kim Miller is an independent business woman with a solid reputation as a visionary problem-solver and has a special talent for explaining complicated subjects in a simple way. She is the Founder and Creative Director of Fluid Minds.

Kim has over 20 years of professional experience in developing high performance websites, engaging mobile solutions, and building custom business applications.

Kim enjoys reading, cooking and gardening.  When she’s not at her laptop you’re likely to run into her on the golf course.




Client Experience Director

Ally Goerdt has robust background in accounting and a deep commitment to delivering exceptional client service.

Ally is instrumental in project management, client onboarding, and providing crucial back-end support to ensure a seamless experience for our clients.

Ally enjoys traveling, reading and visiting local parks with her growing family. 




Ally Goerdt - Client Experience Director at Fluid Minds

Fluid Minds Core Values


Lead With Optimism

We believe that creating a positive environment, even in the face of adversity, provides a safe place for people to collaborate and solve problems. Professional, organized, transparent communication.


Care For People

We believe that focusing on people first creates an environment of strong motivation, great engagement and purpose-driving innovation. Building healthy work-life balance for all team members.


Serve With Integrity

We believe in acting ethically and transparently in all business dealings and prioritizing doing the right thing over personal gain. It means being accountable and following through with decisions made. It means being quality-oriented in all the work we do. We’re solving problems for our customers in the best way, and for a fair price.


Culture of Continuous Improvement

We believe a commitment to continuous learning enables us to stay relevant and valuable in a world that is constantly evolving. Continuous learning increases our capacity to embrace change by allowing us to incrementally improve ourselves and our products and services.

Let’s Build Something Amazing Together!